EVMazing Maze Game

For a kids event at my work, we wanted to use some Google Chrome Monitors to have educational games available for the kids to play. I refreshed an old maze game I had written years ago, and gave it an Electric Car and charging theme. Ported it to Qt+WebAssembly so it could run in the browser.

EVMazing title   EVMazing in game
EVMazing on itch.io


My son got a webcam for his PC, and wanted to do stickers on pictures, similar to those on Android and IPhone mobile apps.
Created a simple camera app using Qt, using canvas to persist the stickers ontop of the camera image.
QtStickerCam in game

Unicorn Paint

For my daughters upcoming birthday I wrote a fun little finger-painting game. It was inspired by those scratch art paintings and some features of html5 canvas erase and transparency. UnicornPaint UnicornPaint