Pebble Emulator demo for Qemu Advent Calendar

Pebble was developing a emulator of our smartwatch for the desktop to improve the developer experience, but we were months away from deploying it to our SDK. There was still a lot of integration work, as well as build and tooling issues to deploy it to all of our supported platforms (OSX, Linux, Windows).

I have always been a fan of Qemu, and when I heard they were doing a image-a-day Advent Calendar, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to create a demo for Pebble developers and fans, independent of the SDK. It was packaged as a qemu emulator of the Pebble, within a Qemu emulator for TinyCoreLinux, to remove any issues deploying it to users desktops. Additionally, it bundled 5 Watchfaces and 6 Games/Applications (including my XKCD comic viewer & Stuart’s Tiny Bird game).

Pebble Emulator Demo Qemu Advent Calendar 2014